During my mother's early years, she had devoted most of her time taking care of our business. And at the same time, she took care of me and my siblings because she loved us more than anything in the world. My mother had 2 sisters and 5 brothers. She had been very generous and supportive to her siblings.
After graduation, she became a teacher and taught in Jolo, Sulu Philippines where she met my father and gave birth to my oldest brother William. They were loving parents as I saw many pictures of them. After teaching for a few

years, she and my father decided to do business. And as a businesswoman, she played the biggest role in my father's success since their humble beginning, from the garment business to retail, then to real estate. They moved to Davao City in 1965 and opened retail stores. They had prospered the business all throughout the years. And my mother was there 24/7. I would say her passion in her early years was to help my father build and make the business successful.
As how most mothers are, I am so blessed to have such a caring mother that took care of all of us. There were times that she got upset with me but it would easily go away. She was strict at times and made me cry, but at the end of the day I would still go back to her arms comfortably as if nothing happened. And that's how comfortable we were with her. We could easily talk about things that we don't dare discuss with my father. And that's how easy-going my mother was to us. She was the best mother and I already missed her so much.
She had numerous best friends, classmates and they are mostly in Manila. It was her wish to visit Manila during her last few days. She made it to Manila but was already very weak. During her stay in Manila, several times she asked for my father to join her during meals, she forgot that Papa had passed away.
She was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in 2008. I remember my father was very sad when we knew about it. He told me how deeply saddened he was because he could not imagine living without my mother. I brought my mother to City of Hope every week for her treatments.
I would always ask the same nurses to draw her blood because her veins were so tiny that it was very hard for the nurses to insert the needle. She continuously had her treatments for several years and it really prolonged her life. Years had gone by that she felt physically normal except for some stomach pains and diarrheas. Not until after my father had departed, then she got very ill. Only few months after and her health had worsen. My mother's passing was only about 10 months after my father's. I feel very sad that I lost both my parents just within a year.
During my mother's golden years, she and my father became devoted Christians. They actively participated in the church. They went to church every Wednesday and Sunday. And there were times that they were very sad to see good friends in the church passed away. I am very sad that I lost my mother, but I know she is now with Jesus Christ, our lord in heaven with my father.

Dear Mama, you are the coolest mother in law ever. I am thankful that me and my boys were able to spend years with you before your passing. Thank you for the memories with you for us to cherish in our lifetime. Your bibrant colored clothes coordinated with your purses, daitily polished off white nails, never missed pink lipstick topped with your smile.. These I will miss seeing. The jokes you tell on me... Those I will miss hearing. The courage and patience you showed me... These I will have to learn. Your unceasing love... That is how I should love. You are a mother in law whom I could not ask for more. A woman of strength, patience and elegance. I love you and i will miss you dearly. Sally 10/7/2017